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The Dark Side of Sanity

Dark Side of Sanity Contrary to what one might think when they read this title, I speak not of insanity, nor of any spiritual dark...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Take Me With You!

Take Me With You! 

“Take me with you, Baby.  Please don’t leave me here,” are the words I found myself saying aloud to Jeff last night.  A few days ago I found a poem I had written to Jeff years ago…ever since I have been having a very difficult time readjusting.  I thought I was in a place where I had finally accepted he was gone and I would go on.  But I am telling you this new discovery has been quite challenging for me.  This poem brought back so many feelings of yearning things to go back to where they were when I wrote this poem.  When will this all just stop?  This grief is so damn annoying…I can truly say I am not in the least bit in control of this python grip it has on me.

I recently went to visit Jeff’s family in Colorado and when I returned I thought I had fully accepted his death, his absence.  Now I find myself longing for the past.  I find myself wanting the whole family back as they were prior to his death.  Is that wrong?  I know this will never happen…I am not completely crazy…although there are many times throughout this past year where I actually thought I was ready for the looney pen.  How many other times have these words come out of my mouth?  Or was this the first time I actually said the words.
Suicide has cross my mind many, many times…but to say aloud, “Take me with you,” I do not believe I have said this before.  As though Jeff could actually come to me and take me with him.  Oh but I have to say…there have been many days when I would have welcomed him to come and get me!  There have been many days when I would have welcomed death.  I do believe those days of contemplating suicide are in the past…perhaps in my state of despair, in missing Jeff, is why those words escaped my lips.  The funny thing is…

On one hand thoughts of just getting life over with comes with rewards of not having to deal emotionally, with all this heartache.  But I also know it would leave those around me with heartache of their own.  And yet on the other hand…what would I miss if I succumb to my thoughts.  My step-daughter, my grandchildren…and all that life has to offer, both good and bad.  I know life is not supposed to be filled with ‘wine and roses’ but damn it…why does there have to be so damn much heartache!    

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Poem to Jeff

I came across a poem I wrote to Jeff for his birthday…I don’t know how long ago I wrote this poem, five or perhaps ten years ago.  I remember taking my time when I wrote this…Jeff had been really ill, falling down all the time, living every moment in pain…I loved my son.  I love him still. 

The night I met Jeff Scott, the author of ‘Who will be my Judas,’ he told me there were no such thing as coincidences.  I am beginning to believe him…or at the very least I am beginning to change my own mind in coincidences….or was it once again…’The Here After’?

Last night I went downstairs to shut off the sprinkler.  The hose bib is right outside the backdoor and the wind had been blowing very cold that day.  Instead of going out the kitchen door and down the back stairs I chose to go downstairs and then through the family room to the back door.  Just to keep myself warm.   

I rarely go downstairs to the family room.  It wasn’t too many years ago that this was my place of study while I was in the bachelor program.  I would come down to the family room and hide out while I studied or used the computer.  There on my computer desk sat a file holder.  A file holder which still holds all my school papers for all these years.   Every time I go down stairs I think I should go through my school papers, and until yesterday I just never took the time to do this.  My husband Steve has been gone nearly seven years.  I graduated exactly one month after Steve passed away.  That is the span of time which I filed my last paper in this small file container.  Upon shutting the backdoor, I saw this container and picked it up to take upstairs with me.  As I picked it up the dusty box, I couldn’t help noticing the inch or more of dust atop my now unused desk, and everything around it.  I carried my file container upstairs and couldn’t believe how heavy the files were.  I sat them on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of juice.

As I looked through the tabs on the folders I could clearly see all the classes which I had taken.  I had the papers filed by classes.  It was so typical of something I would have done back then, I was one of the most systematic people I knew.  I was very organized, very neat, kept an immaculate house, and everything in my house had its own special place…back then anyways.  Upon fingering through the tabs I saw a pink paper clip wrapped around some papers.  The folder these papers were in did not have a name.  I pulled the papers out to find a poem I had written to Jeff years earlier.  The very first paper I pulled out was this poem!  It took milliseconds for the tears to pour from my eyes.  Pour, like an overflowing damn.  It had been months since I had sobbed so hard.  Months…I could not stop the tears.  I just let it out until I could not cry anymore…

Earlier that very day I kept forcing memories of Jeff back.  I was invited to church and afterwards to lunch at the home of my preacher.  I told them I wouldn’t go to church but would be happy to lunch with the family.  As I drove to their house yesterday I was weeping for Jeff.  Upon arriving I pushed away the tears and put on my happy face for them.  It is what I do these days, I pretend to be happy in order to make those around me feel good. One of Jeff's friends posted this poem on my Facebook...it pretty much describes me as I was visiting my friends yesterday. 

Ask My Mom How She Is

My Mom, she tells a lot of lies,
She never did before.
But from now until she dies,
She'll tell a whole lot more.

Ask my Mom how she is
And because she can't explain,
She will tell a little lie
Because she can't describe the pain.

Ask my Mom how she is,
She'll say "I'm alright."
If that's the truth, then tell me,
why does she cry each night?

Ask my Mom how she is,
She seems to cope so well.
She didn't have a choice you see,
Nor the strength to yell.

Ask my Mom how she is,
"I'm fine, I'm well, I'm coping."
For God's sake Mom, just tell the truth,
Just say your heart is broken.

She'll love me all her life,
I loved her all of mine.
But if you ask her how she is,
She'll lie and say she's fine.

I am Here in Heaven.
I cannot hug from here.
If she lies to you don't listen,
Hug her and hold her near.

On the day we meet again,
We'll smile and I'll be bold.
I'll say, "You're lucky to get in here, Mom,
With all the lies you told!"

I was greeted with hugs and kisses as I had not seen these beautiful people in quite some time.  They know of my fight with God, I have not lied to them nor anyone else about my feelings.  As usual the conversation turned to someone who had lost a child seven years ago, (I think people forget I too lost a child), “and still the mother grieves for that child,” she said.  The conversation continued, “I wonder how long a parent grieves.”  All I wanted to do was change the subject.  This is what I do, I always change the subject these days.  People who haven’t lost a child are curious, they dwell on grief and how long it will take to ‘Get over It,’ as the conversation continues they wonder aloud how long it would take to grieve the loss of a child.  They seemed to have forgotten my grief is still fresh…not seven years down the road!  All I really wanted to do was change the subject...Stop! I wanted to shout...but instead just sat there, smiled, and nodded.  People need to just learn to accept things as they are and have conversation on subjects they would normally talk about.  Would they have just brought that conversation 'out of the blue' hadn't I lost Jeff?  I think not.  In other words just because somebody has a death in their life the conversation does not have to be about death of somebody else.  If you want to ask them how they are doing…then just simply ask.  Perhaps it was their way of saying, 'Olgie you are going to grieve for a very long time, I feel for you.' 

Perhaps it is too hard for people to say those words directly to me.  Not that I needed to hear someone tell me that.  I, like this mother will grieve for many years...after all, it is I who is right smack in the throes of grieving.  I've been down this road many times...I know it will take time...possibly many years.  I didn't need anyone to remind me of that.  

On my way home from their house, again, I was thinking about Jeff and started to weep.  It is what I do these days I weep…a lot. When others aren't around I do not need to wear a mask, I weep.

So last night when I found the poem and held it in my hand I cried harder than I had cried in months.  I cried as though I had just heard the news of Jeff’s death.  I cried.  I still cry…

Poem to Jeff

When the morning sun,
Shines in my face…
I think of you!

When I feel the warmth,
Of a soft summer breeze…
I think of you!

When the sun shines red,
On the horizon’s edge…
I think of you!

On a dark clear night,
And the stars shine bright…
I think of you!

A beautiful child with deep blue eyes,
I see her face…
I think of you!

I stretch my arms to hold you tight,
My arms are empty, you’re nowhere in sight…
I think of you!

My beautiful child so far away,
You’re a handsome man now…
I think of you!

I hope you enjoy this wonderful day,
With those closest to your heart…
I’m thinking of you!

Happy Birthday!

How is it of all the files in this container I come across this poem first?  I used to write poems quite often...what happened?  When did that stop?  Steve loved my poems...perhaps that was when I stopped writing them...after his death.  All I know is I used to write poetry to both Steve and Jeff, and I also know I needed to come across this poem…for me to remember just how very much I loved my son.  I need this poem for you to see just how very close we were.  I sent Jeff this poem instead of a card.  To this day every word is still true.  I remember him saying, “Oh really?”  

I miss my son.  I miss everything about him.  I think of Jeff all the time.  My every thought while not at work is of my son...and even while at work thoughts of Jeff are always on my mind. His sense of humor, his voice, our conversations.  I miss Jeff more than I can explain.  There are no words to describe my vacant heart.  There are no words to describe my loss.   Read the words in this poem…they describe how I felt then, they describe how I feel now.  I needed to come across this poem for my own remembrance of how things once were.    

Was it a coincidence?  Was it Jeff who once again helped me…helped me remember how very much I loved my son, and how very much I love him still.  I miss Jeff’s love for me…or is he still loving me from afar?   As I go about my day I come across these little bits of memories the two of us shared and I long to have my son back.  I needed to find this poem I wrote years ago to my son...if for no other reason than to have a good hard cry.  I carry this grief with me...all through the day...all through the night.  It has become part of who I now am.  I am a widow who grieves a child...