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The Dark Side of Sanity

Dark Side of Sanity Contrary to what one might think when they read this title, I speak not of insanity, nor of any spiritual dark...

Monday, July 28, 2014

My Life Today

My Life today

My life today...this very day is going well.  This morning I woke to a fresh breeze coming through the open windows, a much cooler breeze than the usual warm, morning summer breeze.  Which is a sign it is going to be a slightly cooler day.  So consequently, today I woke feeling somewhat alive.  I do not always wake feeling alive.  There are many, many days where I wake feeling alone, down, and feeling somewhat numb.   I am not sure I will ever again feel full of life.    Cassie, Jeff’s little girl, after a recent visit noticed my demeanor, and questioned what was wrong.  I told her the truth, I have not been the same since her father passed away.  I promised her I would be getting better with time…funny I made her that promise…knowing full well I may never get better.
I know in time these feelings will eventually cease to be at the forefront of my soul, but will they ever truly go away…probably not.  Don’t get me wrong, there are many days that I enjoy life.  There will always be days where I have a good time with family and friends…but nothing will ever again be as it was.  This is a fact!  You see there is never a time I do not think about Jeff…especially when I am with family and friends.  This is just the way it is.

This morning I woke up feeling good…but now it is afternoon…and much like any other afternoon, I am alone and feeling down.  For the most part, there is no doubt I am in a better place emotionally, but I know in my heart I will never fully recuperate from Jeff’s absence.  So even though my mornings may start out good…at some point during each day…each and every day, I have a down side.  I do not know how people with similar loss get through a full day without even a few minutes of thinking about their loss.  I can only assume they do as I do and go through life wearing a mask…aka a smile.  I have learned over time if I smile, people interact with me.  If I show my true sadness in any way, the same people will avoid me.  So we bereaved, play the game.  Some of us play it better than others.    Today, right this minute I am not playing the game very well.  A close friend, knowing I was having an exceptionally bad day, sent me this passage she found in a book;

“Grief doesn’t have a face, it is without understanding.  It is raw emotion.  It is okay to feel however you are feeling.  And Damn whatever anyone else says or thinks!” 

These words are true you know.  I need a reminder every now and again that this grief I have been experiencing is quite normal…that is normal, for anyone who is grieving.  It may not seem normal for those of you who are not grieving, those of you who are outside looking in, so to speak. 

Unfortunately the majority (if not all) of us will grieve at some point of our lives.  When it happens to you (the reader), I hope you will grieve over a close friend, a pet, a sibling, a parent…but I do not wish any of you to ever have to step in my shoes.  Because this loss of a child does not, nor can it ever, compare to any other loss. 

I recently had the privilege of having Jeff’s children visit with me for three weeks.  Three wonderful weeks!   One of my biggest fears was that Jeff’s children would forget him, would call another man dad, and forget about Jeff.  It made me feel good every time one of the kids would say, “Dad said that same thing all the time,” or “Dad used to do that,” or “That was dad’s favorite.”  I realize now that even though another man is stepping into Jeff’s role as the father they will not forget my son.  Their memories of Jeff are not only positive, but they are unbroken.  I feel good about this.  This recent visit from my grandchildren took away much of my negative thoughts. 
In one of these blogs I wrote about missing Jeff calling me ‘Mom.’  As we were driving Sebastian and Cassie (Jeff’s children) home…the word ‘Gramma’ must have passed their lips 1000 times during the drive home.  (I wrote Gramma because children do not say Grandmom or Grandma, or Grandmother…they simply say Gramma.)  And after hearing this word ‘Gramma’ being said over and over during our 900 mile drive to Colorado…I felt good.  No it wasn’t Mom or Mother, as Jeff called me…it was Gramma.  Jeff is here with me, with his children.  I feel good about that.  And although I cannot stop the on again off again feelings of loneliness, I am for the most part, emotionally better today than I have been for a long time.  I didn’t know how very much I could and would heal with that little visit from my grandchildren.

These days I try not to dwell on Jeff’s death.  I try not to let my mind go to how he died, or why he died.  I try to remember his life…or rather the better aspects of his life.  Jeff was a good man, he was a good father, and he was a good husband.  He was dealt a bad hand in health…he did not complain much...and he truly loved us all.  Jeff was quiet in character, rarely spoke unless spoken to.  And when he did speak, he rarely spoke more than two words at a time. Anyone who knew Jeff knew they could not ask closed in questions…because the only answer they would get was yes, or no…nothing more.  If you were family or good friends to Jeff, then you knew he had the best sense of humor and when he laughed…everyone laughed with him because his smile lit up the entire room.   

Although I really try not to dwell on the negative aspects surrounding Jeff's health or his death, there are still many days where I do not think I will make it through the day.  Before I started writing this blog I was having one of those days...I even tried calling my therapist...but this writing has proven to be a method of healing for me.  Those feelings of desperation have now passed...for the time being anyway. I miss my son, nothing will ever change that…but I now realize...he is still in my heart!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Dark Side of Sanity

Dark Side of Sanity

Contrary to what one might think when they read this title, I speak not of insanity, nor of any spiritual dark side.  I do, however, believe sanity itself has a side to which we do not understand.  I am not even sure if I can explain this.  Quite honestly I am not even sure I know of what I speak…but I am going to give it a shot.  

After Jeff passed away I have had a sense of loss that I cannot explain.  Yes I have had a huge emotional loss.  I now have enormous damage to my sense of who I am.  I have had a loss to my attachment of an adult child.  I have gargantuan defeat to my well-being.  My body, has fallen spiritually and is also now unhealthy due to my inability to wander from my corner.  As for my sanity…some days I am not sure about my sanity.  Please do not get me wrong…I am not insane, not in any way…yet I still feel there is a side of me that is not fully sane.  I now have a side to my thoughts that is unexplainable…even to myself.   

I am not speaking of evil thoughts…just thoughts.  Thoughts that run through my mind which do not belong, and for that matter do not even make sense.  Thoughts that now fill my mind from time to time that I have never before thought about.  Perhaps it is due to my own thoughts of suicide…or the contemplation of offing oneself, that these random thoughts occasionally fog my head.    I have to wonder if Jeff or Steve had these thoughts prior to dying.   They both had plenty of time…knowing in advance they were dying…plenty of time to think about things, things they would be leaving undone…or people they would be leaving behind.  These are the thoughts I now have.  

I keep wondering what, if anything, they didn’t tell me that they wanted me to know.  What were the things Steve forget to tell me.  Although there was ample time for us to talk about everything…were there still things he wanted me to know.  Were there things left unsaid?   With Jeff, since he died abruptly, I know there were things he wanted me to know.  Perhaps things about his kids.   Things he wanted me to be aware of…or perhaps things he wanted me to do on his behalf.  Yes I know taking care of his kids, staying in absolute and complete communication would be first and foremost one of the things he would want.  I know Jeff knew we never had to talk about that because he already knew I will always be available for his children.   But surely there were things he wanted me to know that we hadn’t gotten around to talking about.  Truth is we never talked about the future after he was gone…we talked about all aspects of his life…but not about things after his life.  So my thoughts are just that.  What would my Jeff want from me now?  Other than the kids I know there are other things…things I have no control of…yet I keep thinking I should somehow know these things.  Crazy, I know.  But I think it is because we never talked about them.   

We talked about everything in his life, even about the possibility that someday he would end his own pain, but we never talked about things he would want from me after his death.  So now I find myself thinking stupid thoughts…wondering if it is Jeff who is putting thoughts into my head.  Is Jeff somehow channeling thoughts into my head?  Is he wanting me to do this or that on his behalf?   Should I look into some of these thoughts a little deeper?  Am I crazy for thinking such thoughts?  Or am I afraid of what I may find if I dig deeper?  His death for instance…or his Deep Brain surgery.  Jeff himself was looking into that Deep Brain surgery before he died.  Are my thoughts that of a bereaved mother or that of a crazy person?    I don’t want to go to deep into these thoughts on this writing…I guess I am afraid…you know, if I say it aloud, then I have to do something about it.  This is my dark side of sanity…my thoughts, which sometimes make me insane, or at least make me close to becoming unhinged.  Or could it be I am already a little cracked?  

Does this even make sense to any of you readers?  If ever I needed a response, or if any of you ever wanted to respond to any of my blogs, now would be the time.  I think I need to know I am not insane with these crazy thoughts.  Or, what the hell, maybe I am insane.  I guess we are all a little crazy, to some extent anyway.   Maybe my crazy thoughts have always been there and I am just now noticing them.  In any event I find myself trying to analyze them all the time.

I also find myself thinking of my own demise.  Do I have anything in place should I perish?  Will Tina know what to do?  I have a folder started with pictures I want to go into a CD if I croak.  Isn’t that stupid?  To think of something so very selfish and stupid, and I have already told Tina where to put my remains.  The funny part of this is…no one knows I have an electronic folder with the pictures I want in it.  Think about it!  Who is going to think, “Let’s take a look at her computer, she may have things in it that we will need for the funeral.”   And even if someone did think of looking at the computer…how would they even know the password?  So here is another thing; on my phone I have ‘end of life’ directions in the event I am injured during a car crash, but I have never talked about my ‘end of life’ desires to Tina.  I guess I don’t think she needs to know these things right now…isn’t that just crazy?  Isn’t this the time to talk about this?  Shouldn’t we be talking about death right now since death itself is still in the foremost of all our minds?  When better to talk about something if not now?  I’ve been going through my closets.  I’ve been getting rid of things that are of no use to me.  I have been getting rid of things so Tina will not have to do this when I am gone.  Almost as though I am going to die at any moment…for all I know God will probably make me stay here for another 50 years!  He does after all have a way of enjoying seeing me suffer.  It wouldn’t surprise me if he made me stay here so he can watch me suffer when everyone else I love dies.   

These thoughts, these crazy dark thoughts fill my mind.  Over and over throughout the day I think of something else that I should do to make things easier for those I leave behind, should I die.  I know there are things Steve forgot to tell me…to show me.  I also know Jeff would have wanted me to do things for him, for his kids.  Yet we, Jeff and I, never talked about those things.  Perhaps he thought it would be too hard for me to talk about…who knows for sure…but I do believe he thought about things he would have wanted me to do on his behalf.  Now I can only guess what those things may have been.  These thoughts that are now consuming me are crazy, and perhaps even morbid I know, yet, are they more rational than insane?  Can it be that these thoughts are even more practical?   I guess that would depend on each individual person.  Some may see it as crazy, while others see it as practical.    

Right now I think my constant thoughts of death are dark, and perhaps somewhat insane!  I have to wonder if other people think about death as I now do, and if they do…would they admit it aloud.  Are they cleaning out their closets?  Are they preparing for their own deaths?  Am I crazy to have these preoccupied thoughts of death or of preparing for death?  Are these dark thoughts part of sanity, or are these thoughts, thoughts which only insane people have? One would think these thoughts would be normal for that population of people who have already been diagnosed as terminal, or are ready to end their own life.  And then there are the senior population who know death is not only inevitable, but coming in the near future for them, and thereby prepare in advance for their departure from this world.  But it is sane for someone like myself, who is neither ill or really old, to explore these thoughts over and over.  Is it sane to think about things that need to be done to ensure everything is in place 'just in case' I should perish.  Not because I have a deadly disease, not because I am on my last legs, not because I am planning to off myself...but just in case I should die.  I think I can honestly say these crazy thoughts that preoccupy my mind are at times 'scaring the crap' out of me.