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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Open Letter To My Audience

My Open Letter To You The Audience,

Why am I writing these blogs?  I want you all to know I am writing these blogs…hell I am writing about my life…my life is not a blog!  I am writing my inner most feelings because I lost my only biological child.  I lost my husband.  I lost my siblings.  I lost my very best friend…twice.  I lost my father…and truth is I never even knew this man…and still his loss has an effect, although the conclusion of how much his death has had on me   is still not known. I am writing so you the audience will know my life right now while I am still in the moment…and…hopefully by walking in my shoes you can get a glimpse, albeit a very infinitesimal  hint, of how it feels to be a prisoner of this grief.  I want the whole damn world to know I mourn the people I love.  I am putting myself out there unafraid of all who will read me.  I am writing without fear of the critics who surround me and question my motives…you who no doubt, have come to your own conclusions as to why you think I write.  I pour out my inner most feelings, thoughts, emotions on these pages not for your pity…NOT FOR PITY…but hopefully to EDUCATE!  I hope to show you the audience what it is like for those of us who mourn.    I urge you, dare you, to take this walk with me…in my shoes…and share what you have learned.  If you have learned.  I encourage, no I implore you to send this blog to others so they too can absorb these words and remember them when someone they love weeps. 

Everything in life starts with a simple gesture…this is my simple gesticulation.  Don’t you get it?  I am trying to help you so you can help the people you love.  Death is all around us.  Perhaps losing Jeff has made me mad enough to try to make something constructive out of the most unimaginable loss known to man.  Perhaps it is the first anniversary of my son’s death that has burned a hole under my feet to reach out to all you who read.  Don’t let Jeff’s death be in vain.   Let me say again…DEATH IS ALL AROUND US…I have told you of my loss.  I haven’t even mentioned my loss within my close circle of friends.  They too are grieving. They too need your help in their loss.  I weep with them…just as you cry with me.  Please read every word of every line…learn from my experience.   Take these words to heart and share them with others.  Be brave enough to walk in my shoes without criticizing my efforts.  Be brave enough to say aloud, “I want to help!”  There are those of you who follow actions of others…just this once…follow your heart.  If my words in any way have tugged at the strings of your heart then please forward this blog so others can also step in my shoes.  Just once follow your heart…Olgie

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