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Monday, February 2, 2015

My Birthday w/o Jeff

My Birthday w/o Jeff

Today is my birthday...my second birthday w/o Jeff.  It is 7:00 in the morning as I write this blog.  Had Jeff been here already he would have called me to wish me a happy birthday.  In place of his phone call I have this note from him.  It was on my birthday many years ago, I received this note from him.  He faxed it to me late on the day of my birthday, 10 maybe 12 years ago.  I think he just forgot it was my birthday, so at the very last minute he had wrote a note and faxed it to me.  It was the best birthday card I have ever received...ever.  I put it in a frame and have had it hanging on my bedroom wall for all these many years since I received it.  It was not unusual for Jeff to leave me short handwritten notes...that says much about a man who is not afraid to do such a thing.  I treasure these notes from my son.  I share this one birthday note with you now...

I treasure this handwritten birthday wish.  I treasured it many years ago when I received it, and now that Jeff is gone I will read it many times over on each and every birthday I have without his presence.  How I wish Jeff was here to talk to in person...I know that will never again happen.  But he is always in my heart.  He is always in my dreams, he is always on my mind.

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